Oracle JDeveloper 10g Review

After 2 weeks using Oracle JDeveloper 10g, more spesific JDev, i'll share my opinion about this tools.

Here is JDev editor in my computer.
JDev Editor

Now here is the summary :

1. JDev source code package organization is bad
JDev Application Navigator Eclipse Package Explorer

Take a look image above, with JDev we can organize folder structure (look at the circle), but it should affect to source code only, not folder. Eclipse is better than JDev.

2. JDev require a lot of memory
JDev Memory

3. JDev does not have option Close Project.
If we have a lot project with JDev, JDev will load them all while opening.

4. JDev can't make a new folder and can't copy file
This is the worst. I can't understand what in Oracle JDev team mind. This is the simple operation but JDev can't do it.

5. DataModel and UserInterface sometimes conflict
Yeah this is happened to me, in my DataModel have public_html folder and UserInterface have model folder.

6. JDev can't refresh file/folder automaticly
This is a bugs i think. If someone add/modify file using CVS then JDev can't load the new/modified file. I tried click refresh all time but not work. The only way is restart JDev.

7. JDev can't refresh offline database
I add new foreign key in the database and when i refresh offline database i can't see foreign key i added. I spent half day to analyze this. I wonder why it happened. And then i tried restart JDev and try refresh from database again and hulla the new foreign key apprear.

8. Sometimes WYSIWUG is broken
JDev Broken Editor

9. Good integrate with OracleDatabase
When create Java from table, it perfectly create POJO with the right relation mapping.

10. Easy to testing with Embedded OC4J
Just click run to show our work.

Overall JDev is okay if you develop with Oracle product only (ADF, TopLink, OC4J). If not, well you better use another Java IDE.