Berinvestasi di Reksadana (Mutual Fund)
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This blog dedicated to everyone especially IT person. You can find IT related information here. This blog also describe my self. I just want to share with my family, my friend and maybe to someone else.
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Netbeans 6 has been released a few day ago.
The highlight feature of Netbeans 6 are :
*. Enhanced Editor
*. Easy-To-Use Java GUI Builder
*. Visual Mobile Development
*. Ruby and Rails Support
*. Visual Web and Java EE Development
*. Visual UML Modeling
*. C and C++ Development
Download free Netbeans 6.0
To order free DVD
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I can't wait to see the new Netbeans. The most feature i want to try is Ruby and Rails support and Visual Web for Web development.
5:22 PM
Category Free Things, IT News, Java, Open Source
Pagination is now common in web development. If you have a large set of data then you musti show it in pagination instead of showing them all.
9:25 AM
Category Tips and Trick
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Mozilla Firefox is a cross-platform browser, providing support for various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. However, the source code has been unofficially ported to other operating systems, including FreeBSD, OS/2, Solaris, RISC OS, SkyOS, BeOS and more recently, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
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